The Doctor Says... "Your Prayers are Working"
It wasn't even the main Oncologist, Dr. Auber, who is in charge of my case and with whom we have a good talking relationship... It was a resident assistant whom we had never met, who came into the consultation room today with results from Thursdays PET/CT Scan. After introducing himself and telling us he was assisting Dr. Auber today, etc., he said, "I understand you have been praying... I just want to tell you to keep it up because it is working."
He then read the results from the PET Scan, which are as follows (in layman's terms)...
1. Since the last Scan (February) there has been additional shrinkage of the tumor. As I reported in my 'Healing Update' (posted Feb. 28) the tumor had shrunk from its largest measurement of 13 cm (in November) to 9 cm. Today's report said this: "the tumor mass... continues to improve in size... now measuring about 4.2 X 3.5 cm in axial diameter as opposed to prior measurement of about 6.5 X 9 cm" (in Feb.).
2. The former PET Scans revealed live cancer cells in the lymph nodes located in the immediate area of the tumor. Today's report says... "persistent significant stranding around the mass has actually improved since the most recent scan and no focal lymph nodes are now seen" which basically means all cancer which had previously extended into surrounding tissue and lymph nodes is gone.
3. When surgery to remove the tumor was unsuccessfully attempted in January, it was confirmed by the surgeon that the tumor was attached to (not just pressing against) the bladder wall. Both the surgeon and the attending urologist also confirmed that had they been able to remove the tumor, the bladder would also have to be removed. Today's report says this... "The hypermetabolic portion of the mass is now also free from the superior bladder wall".
After the assisting doctor finished giving us the above results, Dr. Auber came in and offered his "congratulations". He also said, as he did before, that this is very highly unusual. For the shrinking to continue past 6 or 7 weeks after radiation treatment is unlikely in any case... It has now been 6 months and the shrinking continues. He said they know it is not due to radiation, and medically speaking there is no reason for it... It must be God's miracle in progress.
He said to tell everyone to keep praying and to focus on CEA levels (tumor markers) which have been way down but have recently risen a few tenths of a point. If this were to continue and become a consistent trend, it would indicate an "awakening" of the tumor and the increased possibility of spreading. Aren't we glad that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. His Love and Power---His character and His mercy never changes. And His Word is forever settled in heaven.
Once again... "Thanks be unto God, who ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest, the savor of His knowledge, by us in every place."
--2 Cor. 2:14