Thursday, September 27, 2007

Introducing End-Time Prophecy Series... You won't want to miss it!

Lord willing, I will be writing a series of teaching articles on end-time prophecy and the order (sequence) of end-time events. Unlike popular teaching on the same subject today, this will be according to Scripture, not according to other published works of other men and women. Don't mean to sound arrogant here, but really... All one needs to do is pick up just about any book on end-time prophecy and look at the bibliography. You will find a list of references to other books written by men. In each of these books there is little reference to Scripture. And when there is, it is easily determined with little effort that those scriptures were taken out of context.
The big problem is this... You cannot add error to error and eventually arrive at truth. I cannot think of even one popular author on the subject who has not attempted this. You may say, "How can so many be wrong?"
The answer is simple... They parrot one another. It's a marketing thing---it's what sells---and it's sad.
The plain simple Truth of the Word of God has been so distorted. Jesus is portrayed as one who is coming again, not as a Judge, but to extend forgiveness and salvation to the masses who have rejected Him. Such will not be the case. He is coming again for sure. But when He comes He will "strike the nations", ruling with a 'rod of iron', and 'dashing to pieces' those who rejected His offer of free salvation. It is also taught that many will have a second chance during the millennial reign to come to Christ. This is plain and simple---heresy.
There is so much error that I will address in these future posts, I cannot begin to list them now, but with the Holy Spirit's help I will, and will also pray the readers be open to Bible Truth regardless of its popularity... It can only do you good.
I have begun this series already, by going back a year and gathering the articles I wrote concerning true Israel. I would encourage you to read each one of them (long as they are) and see how the Scripture speaks for itself regarding the identity of Israel. This is definitely prerequisite to understanding Israel's place in prophecy.
I welcome your comments and or Email.

A Biblical Look at Judaism

"For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers."
--Galatians 1:13-14

As previously pointed out, most references to "the Jews" in the New Testament, particulary in the four Gospels, seem to connote more than simply those of Hebrew descent. It becomes obvious that "the Jews" were those deeply involved in 'Judaism', or as the King James Version translated it--"the Jew's religion". The apostle Paul, being formerly a Pharisee, was the only writer of the New Testament to have been educated in, and notably experienced in, formal Judaism.
The former 'Saul of Tarsus' was so seriously involved in 'Judaism', he did what any good Jew who did not believe Messiah had truly come, would have done... He persecuted Christians. He had them arrested, beat up, and even killed. He was not a 'radical', he was "advanced" in Judaism and more zealous than anyone else concerning the "traditions" of his fathers. And in those last few words, there is clarification as to the meaning of 'Judaism'--both then, and now.
The 'traditions of the fathers' is the basic definition of Judaism. With that, the rabbis of today would agree. The 'Talmud'--not the 'Torah' (OT Scriptures)--is the basis of Judaism. The Talmud comprises primarily the 'Mishnah', which is a collection of rabbinical traditions, and the 'Gemara', which is rabbinical commentary on the Mishnah.
According to Jewish tradition, not only the written law (Old Testament Scripture) was given through Moses, but also the 'oral laws'. The oral laws were not to be written, but passed on verbally from generation to generation. Thus, the oral laws, the Jews say, were to remain more 'fluid' and conform to varying situations throughout the process of time. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, and then more completely in 130 AD, going so far as to literally plow it under and totally depopulate the former land of 'Judea'; certain rabbis decided to write the 'oral traditions' down. This written compilation of rabbinical traditions was called the "Mishnah".
Though it is claimed that these laws and traditions were passed down orally from Moses, there is no evidence of it. The earliest appearance of the rabbinical traditions as evidenced in history was around 200 BC. The oldest actual quotations, recorded in the Mishnah, according to Jewish historians, date to around 100 BC. The Gemara commentary was added from about 200 AD to around 500 AD. These writings, which form what is called the "Talmud", have replaced the Old Testament Scriptures and have become the standard for modern Judaism. This is why there are no blood sacrifices nor priestly ministries.
Many of these rabbinical traditions were in place in Jesus' time and even then, formed the foundation of the Judaism of His day. But neither Jesus, nor any of the apostles ever based any of their teaching on oral traditions--only Scripture. As a matter of fact, the only time Jesus referred to them at all, was to soundly denounce them, telling the Pharisees that through these 'traditions' they were "making the Word of God of no effect" (Mark 7:13). Obviously, Jesus did not consider the rabbinical 'oral traditions' to be the Word of God. And thus, the primary foundation of 'Judaism' in the time of Christ, and the ONLY basis of modern Judaism was condemned by Jesus.
Many contemporary pastors, evangelists, and church leaders have jumped on the bandwagon of incorporating Talmudic tradition into Christian worship. One example of those now popular traditions, is the practice of wearing the prayer shawl (tallit). It has also become a good selling item in Christian book and novelty stores--and even in churches.
How do you get people to spend lots of money on a nice towel?.. You tell them that Jesus wore a prayer shawl; that the apostles wore prayer shawls. Even more effective, is to explain that when Jesus said "go into your [prayer] closet", He was not referring to a little room. He was referring to covering your head with the 'prayer shawl'. You also count on the fact that most people will not be well read enough, in the Bible, to know that none of that is true.
Neither Jesus nor the apostles covered their heads when they prayed. How do I know?.. The former Pharisee--Paul the apostle--made it clear...
"Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head... For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God"
(1 Corinthians 11:4,7)
From the time of Christ, to modern times, well-mannered men would always remove their hats when someone was offering a public prayer--keeping with true Biblical tradition. It was common knowledge all over the world, that to keep your head covered during such a time was a sign of dishonor to your head, who is Christ (1 Cor. 11:3). Now, even many in the church seem to be willing to trade a Bible based, Christ-honoring tradition, for such a vain, unscriptural, modern Jewish tradition.
It has become a matter of deep concern and prayer for me, that so many in the church have become caught up in novelty and vain traditions--and have become seriously distracted from the great commission. Some, I fear, are bordering on idolatry; worshipping a dead and invalid religion, the foundation of which, Jesus Himself condemned.
Contrary to what many are preaching, the roots of Christianity are not found in Judaism. Christianity is based on the gospel of Jesus Christ--the good news of a righteousness that comes only through faith in Christ, apart from the works of the law. This gospel was first declared to Abraham, hundreds of years before it would be put in effect...
"And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached 'the gospel' to Abraham beforehand, saying, in you all the nations shall be blessed."
(Galatians 3:8)
This promise did not apply specifically to the Jews, it applied to all who would be justified (made righteous) by faith. According to Paul, it was the first proclamation of 'the gospel'.
Abraham knew nothing of Judaism. The system of obedience to God's law, as a means of righteousness (Judaism), would not come into effect until hundreds of years later. Even then, it would serve only as a TEMPORARY system, to preserve righteous lineage, through whom, the Savior would come, and fulfill those original promises made to Abraham and his seed...
"Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, 'And to seeds', as of many, but as of one, 'And to your Seed,' who is Christ. And this I say, that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect."
(Galatians 3:16,17)
So the law, which gave birth to Judaism and established the Jewish nation was not 'replaced' by Christianity, really--it was preceded by it. Abraham's right standing with God was based upon his faith in a promise that would be fulfilled only in Christ. And the 'system of law as a means of righteousness', to which Christ would put an end (Romans 10:4), was to be added later and serve as a "schoolmaster" (or 'tutor') to bring Israel to Christ...
"What purpose then does the law serve? It was 'added' because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made... Therefore the law 'was' our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith."
(Galatians 3:19,24)
The only true 'Judaism' had a very important, though TEMPORARY, purpose. When the New Covenant was established in the shed blood of the perfect Lamb of God, the Old Covenant (the Mosaic Covenant) became obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). This is why Paul went on to write, in summary...
"There is neither Jew nor Greek... for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
(Galatians 3:28-29)

Biblical Jews - Modern Jews... Is there a difference?

Who is a Jew? Is it a certain religion that makes a person a Jew, or is it the natural bloodline? If one is a Jew by definition of modern Judaism, is that same person a Jew, Biblically speaking? If a person is a Jew by modern definition but not by Biblical definition, would Bible prophecy concerning 'Jews' apply? Are there actual Bible prophecies which specifically concern 'Jews'?
These questions may seem ridiculously simple and unimportant, but bear with me, as I present a case for investing serious thought and research into answering them.
In the Bible, the remnant of the southern Kingdom of Judah, consisting of the descendants of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, were the first to be called "Jews". The northern Kingdom of Israel, comprising the other ten Tribes, had been dispersed and forever melded into the pagan societies of the world, 700 years before Christ. They were rejected by the Lord, who had "afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of plunderers, until He had cast them from His sight" (2 Kings 17:20). About 586 BC, Judah was taken into Babylonian captivity, until 538 BC, when the remaining 'Jews' were released and allowed to return to their homeland, where they ultimately came under Roman government until Jerusalem was totally destroyed by Titus, in 70 AD.
During Old Testament times, one was a natural 'Jew' by virtue of birth. His or her father had to be a Jew, which is the only way the lineage could be traced. According to modern Judaism, this is not the case. One is a natural-born Jew today, only if his or her mother is Jewish, making it impossible to trace one's lineage back to the patriarchs.
In Bible times, one could also be called a 'Jew' if he were a "proselyte"--a Jew, not by birth, but by virtue of circumcision and adherence to the law. Circumcision is also required in modern Judaism, but circumcision alone, was never enough according to the Old Testament, for one to become a member of the household of Israel. All of Abraham's physical descendants circumcised the male children in obedience to the command passed down by Abraham. This practice was followed not only by Isaac and his seed, but the descendants of Ishmael, as well as the descendants of Abraham's six sons by his second wife, and the descendants of his sons by concubines--all of them, including Muslims today, practice the rite of circumcision. But circumcision does not, nor did it ever, make them 'Jews'.
Adherence to the law of Moses, which was a strict requirement for the Jews of old, is not required by even the strictest of orthodox Jews today. If the Jews of old ceased to cooperate with God's method of atonement--the blood sacrifices--they were 'cut off' and no longer in covenant with God. Today, those Old Testament laws and ordinances have been replaced in modern Judaism by the Talmud--the 'oral traditions'. Thus, modern Judaism has absolutely no validity. Nor, did it ever. Even if the Messiah had never come and the Old Covenant was still in effect, the Jews of today would be completely outside that covenant, and without any relationship with God.

Jews in the time of Christ...

By the time of Christ, the term "Jews" usually referred to those who strictly adhered to the religious laws and ordinances. While it is true that Jesus was a Jew, the disciples were Jews, and the multitudes to whom they preached were Jews; nearly every reference to "the Jews" in the New Testament was concerning the religious leaders, not the Jews-by-birth. Examples include statements such as, "When the Jews saw the multitudes", or "the Jews sought to kill Him (Jesus)", or "the disciples were in fear of the Jews", etc.
The number of references to "Jews" in the Gospels and the Book of Acts far exceed the number of references in the rest of the New Testament. And though many are preaching today about the 'Jews in Bible prophecy'; even the Book of The Revelation makes no reference to "Jews", except in the letters to the seven churches (Chapters 2 & 3). And in those letters, Jesus only mentions those "who say they are Jews and are not" and He calls them the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9, 3:9).
No Bible prophecy concerning the latter days, Old Testament or New Testament, includes any mention of "Jews". Prophecies do mention "Israel", but there is a difference. The "Jews" refer simply to those of the religion of 'Judaism'. "Israel", on the other hand, refers to the seed of Abraham--the chosen people of God. The only 'Israel' in Biblical, end-time prophecy, comprises those who are also described as having a "new heart", "righteous", "saints"; those who have "the testimony of Christ", those who "follow the Lamb", etc. Another name for them would be "Christians".
What about this "synagogue of Satan"? To whom was Jesus referring, and is there a valid application today?
Consider this... By the time the aged apostle John heard those words from the resurrected Lord Jesus, he had been banished to the Isle of Patmos and nearly all of those with whom he had once enjoyed fellowship had gone on to glory. Decades before, the young apostle was one of the 120 Jews who believed in Jesus and were gathered in an 'upper room'. They were 'in one mind and one accord', waiting for the 'promise of the Father'--the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
With a roaring sound and the manifestation of flames of fire upon each of them, the Holy Spirit filled the house and everyone in it. The first part of the remnant of Israel had received a new heart and a new spirit within... They had been fully cleansed of their iniquity and God had become their God, and they, His people.
This band of 120 believers went immediately to the streets of Jerusalem and began to preach Jesus and the resurrection. On that very day, three thousand Jews came to Christ (Acts 2:41). A few days later, Peter had another opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus to another large crowd of Jews. The result? Five thousand men, plus women and children became believers. What did they call these thousands of Jews who were coming to Christ? At first they simply called them "believers" (Acts 5:14). Then they called them people of "the Way" (Acts 9:2). Finally, at Antioch, a name was given to them that stuck--"Christians" (Acts 11:26). The Jewish king Agrippa was obviously familiar with the term, as he accused the apostle Paul of attempting to persuade him to become a "Christian" and Paul readily admitted to the same (Acts 26:28-29). Even the apostle Peter used the term "Christian" referring to himself and other believers (1 Peter 4:16). The name change was no accident. It was in fulfillment of prophecy... "You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name" (Isaiah 62:2).
The apostle John witnessed this and was a vital participant in all of it. And in the years that followed, John ministered the Word, just as Jesus had commanded, first to Judea (the Jews), then to Samaria and beyond. Many of the Jews believed John's message and became Christians. Some did not believe and ultimately died in their sin. It was the latter, John referred to when he wrote... "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us (1 John 2:19).
Further addressing the true nature of these Jews of his day who had ultimately rejected Christ, he wrote... "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." (1 John 2:22-23)
Keep in mind, these were Jews who actually lived while the Old Covenant was still in effect. They had heard the New Covenant preached and had plenty of opportunity to believe and receive Christ--but they were obviously not (as John explained) true 'Israel'--they were not the 'elect'. They were Jews by blood or religion only, circumcised of the flesh, but not the heart--as Paul also explained, "They are not all Israel who are of Israel" (Romans 9:6).
None of the Jews who once were legally in covenant with God through the law, were automatically covered by the New Covenant... It had to be by faith. The Old Covenant was made obsolete when the New was established (Hebrews 8:13), thus, anyone who rejected the offer of the New Covenant remained uncovered--without hope of salvation or any relationship with God. And to continue to claim covenant with God was tantamount to 'blasphemy'. It was undoubtedly these, who continued calling themselves "Jews", even though they had completely rejected the King of the Jews, that Jesus renamed "the synagogue of Satan" and judged them blasphemers.
Jesus had confronted that same spirit, manifest in the Scribes and Pharisees. They were, physically speaking, just as much the 'seed of Abraham' as anyone. Jesus acknowledged this. But He also told them that in reality--in the way God sees it--they were NOT Abraham's children, nor were they God's children. Their father was not God--their father was the devil (John 8:37-44). In other words, they were also, "the synagogue of Satan". Why? His explanation was so simple, yet they did not want to hear it; and few want to hear it to this very day...
"And He said to them, You are from beneath; I am from above, You are of this world; I am not of this world. Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." (John 8:23-24).
According to the New Testament, no one who rejected Jesus christ would have any part in the Kingdom of god. The warning was clear--even the warning written specifically to the Hebrew people--saying that to go on in sin (instead of coming to Christ for salvation) means that "there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation..." (Hebrews 10:26-27).
The significance of this warning being directed especially to the Jews in this case, is even more apparent as the warning continues...
"Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' says the Lord. And again, 'The Lord will judge His people" (Hebrews 10:28-30).
The Jews, to whom, "Hebrews" was written, once had a covenant with God through Moses. That covenant was now obsolete ("In that He says, 'a new covenant', He has made the first obsolete..." --Hebrews 8:13). And unless they repented, acknowledged the Truth, and received Jesus as Lord and Savior, they could expect nothing but "judgment and fiery indignation". Today, there are those who are called Jews, but receive no such warnings from many who know the Lord. Well known church leaders, such as Rev. John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone Church in san Antonio, Texas, teach thousands of Christians that the Jews should not be 'targeted for conversion'--that preaching the gospel to them is wrong--that they have a covenant with God through Moses, which is still in effect...
If I may borrow one of Pastor Hagee's favorite phrases... "He is exactly wrong!"
No person living on earth today is under the Mosaic Covenant unless that person is two thousand years old! What part of "ob-so-lete" does Brother Hagee and so many others not understand? "Obsolete" is part of the core of the message written to Jews who were old enough to have been under the Old Covenant, and the message was loud and clear to them--The Old Covenant is no longer an option... It's the New Covenant, or No Covenant.
Why is our message not as loud and clear to Jews today, who have never been under any covenant with God to begin with?

Since when, is the gospel anti-Semitic?

It goes against my grain to attempt to explain in essay form, that which should be expressed in nothing less than a treatise--line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept. But to borrow a phrase from the apostle Paul, "Necessity is laid upon me". It is becoming more and more difficult to have fellowship with other believers, or to take part in home groups or Bible studies without the subject of Israel or modern Jews and Judaism coming up. And the popular doctrine espoused by so many today is leading much of the Body of christ away from the Truth of Scripture--further into confusion. It has infiltrated sound Biblical teaching concerning the end-times, and it has robbed so many believers of their true identity in Christ.
I am referring to the popular teachings concerning the Israel of Bible prophecy, and the relationship between Christians and modern Jews. To some, there seems to be no question about this. They are unaware of any controversy. Others, however, will read just this far and claim to know exactly where I'm going... They will affix one or more of the popular labels to me and toss this publication aside, saying, "I've heard it before". My doctrinal stance will be labeled "secessionist", "replacement theology", or even "anti-Semitic"--none of which is true (especially the last one).
Let me say, before I go any further, that the number one reason this discussion is such a "necessity" as far as I am concerned, is because the love of God mandates the telling of the Truth of the gospel to every person. "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36).
That's the deal. Regardless of one's natural or religious heritage, whether he is a Muslim cleric, a Buddhist monk, or a Jewish Rabbi; if he or she does not come to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and receive Him alone, as Savior and Lord, he will not see life. His or her portion for eternity will be nothing but the unending wrath of God. That is nothing but plain, old-fashioned gospel; yet, an ever-increasing number of Christian churches and ministries have ceased proclaiming that message--especially to Jews.
"Proselytization" has become a bad word, these days, particularly when used in connection with the efforts on the part of Christians who are attempting to convert Jewish people to Christ. Those of us who still believe and express the Truth to the Jew, that without Christ, he or she is in sin and bound for hell just as any other sinner, are now being labeled as "anti-Semitic". In other words, to proclaim the same exact message to modern Jews, as Jesus and the apostles proclaimed to Jews of old, has somehow become wrong.
Well known pastors of large churches in America have gone so far as to amend their church constitution and By-laws to include a policy against the evangelism of Jewish people. They say the Jews 'have their own covenant' with God, passed down through Moses... And they claim that covenant is still in effect. Literally thousands of Christians in America are being taught by their pastors, to support political Israel, financially and otherwise, and to avoid any participation in the few evangelical missionary works which still focus on converting Jews to Christ. The result?.. While more and more Jews from poverty stricken Nations may be receiving funds from Christian ministries to 'make Aliyah' (move to Israel); many more are being cut off from the only Truth that offers them eternal life. This is not paving the way to the 'promised land'--for all too many lost souls, it is paving the way to hell.
I, for one, have had it. I have tried the 'sweet, silent' approach. I've tried to smile, listen for points to agree on, and 'agree to disagree' about the rest. But I just cannot be silent anymore about this. Jesus Christ came to Israel, in fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to redeem them from all iniquity--to restore Israel to a right relationship with God Almighty--and to make that same salvation available to 'whosoever will believe' in Him. He did not fail. He did not do anything halfway. He is surely coming again, but this time He is not coming to redeem, deliver, save, or rescue anyone from the wrath of God. He is coming to "strike the nations"--to "tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God" (Revelation 19:15).
When Jesus bodily returns to this earth, ALL the saints will be with Him. From the beginning of time, those who were deemed righteous by the Lord--all those were in covenant with God Almighty--those who had died and were buried, along with those who were still alive on earth and were caught up (raptured) when God's resurrection trumpet sounded--the entire family of God--the 'whole house of Israel'--the 'general assembly and church of the firstborn'--Yes, ALL the saints will be with Him when He comes to execute wrath on ALL who dwell on the earth. And ALL who are still dwelling on the earth when He comes will violently and utterly perish (Revelation 19:17-20).
I know there are those who quote Zechariah's prophecy which says...
"And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplications; then they will look on Me whom they pierced, Yes, they will mourn for Him".
(Zechariah 12:10)
They try to apply it to Jesus' second coming, saying the Jews who have not received Christ up till that time, will see Him coming (look upon Him whom they pierced), mourn, repent, and be led safely into the Millenial Kingdom. Zechariah's prophecy however, will not be fulfilled when Jesus comes again... It has already been fulfilled. According to the ONLY New Testament scripture that specifically refers to that prophecy, it was fulfilled when Jesus actually hung on the cross... "For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, 'Not one of His bones shall be broken.' And again another Scripture says, 'They shall look on Him whom they pierced." (John 19:36,37). And it was while Jesus yet hung on the cross, that the "spirit of grace and supplications" also began to be poured out, and even those who pierced Him began to mourn and repent, saying "Surely this man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39). It was this spirit of grace that opened the door to the conversion of thousands of Jews on the Day of Pentecost and shortly thereafter.
Jesus Himself also referred to another portion of Zechariah's prophecy, saying it would be fulfilled that very night, following His betrayal and arrest... "Then Jesus said to them, 'All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered..." (Matthew 26:31/Zechariah 13:7).
There are several other prophecies which people today are mistakenly applying to the end-times, in spite of the fact that the writers of the New Testament, who wrote by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, quoted the same prophecies and specifically explained how they were fulfilled either in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, or in the establishment of the Christian church. Nowhere are these particular prophecies referred to, as 'yet to be fulfilled'. Among them are the prophecies concerning, 'the rebuilding of the Temple', the salvation of the 'whole house of Israel', the 'restoration of David's throne', the 'return to the promised land', and the 'fullness of the Gentiles'. All of these are related to God's promises to Abraham and his seed, and contrary to what many church leaders are teaching today, the early church leaders, Peter, James, John, and Paul taught that all of these promises were fulfilled in Christ, and the establishment of His Kingdom.

A review of "Jerusalem Countdown"

I have read "Jerusalem Countdown" in its entirety, along with other books by Rev. Hagee, and though I acknowledge his research effort and do not doubt the accuracy of his estimation of Iranian war capabilities and intentions; I am thoroughly convinced he goes way beyond scriptural boundaries in his association of modern Jews, Judaism, and Zionism with the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
First of all, "Jerusalem Countdown" is generally based on the faulty premise that geographical Israel of today must be protected and undivided, as it was given to Israel by God. "Grave consequences" are promised to any who would "divide up the land" with the Palestinians or any other people (page 194). This sets aside the fact that modern Israel is but a small portion of the geographical land given by God. If we must support Israel's occupation of the original God-given land, as Rev. Hagee insists, then Israel must occupy Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon with our blessing.
Secondly, "Jerusalem Countdown" is full of inaccuracies, such as, the many references to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, etc., as "Jews". Abraham was not a 'Jew'. Jews did not exist in his day.
Hagee also manufactures end-time fulfillments of prophecies concerning Israel's salvation, which were all fulfilled in Christ, when He came the first time.
Most importantly, Rev. Hagee reveals throughout the book, his heretical idea that "Torah Jews" have no need of Christ--that they are forgiven and their names are written in the 'book of life' (i.e., page 129)--and that anyone who would teach that modern Jews (outside of faith in Christ) have no place in the family of God are 'antisemitic'.
All of this, in my opinion, is most dangerous, especially to Jewish people who would want to know the truth, concerning the Messiah.