Thursday, September 27, 2007

Introducing End-Time Prophecy Series... You won't want to miss it!

Lord willing, I will be writing a series of teaching articles on end-time prophecy and the order (sequence) of end-time events. Unlike popular teaching on the same subject today, this will be according to Scripture, not according to other published works of other men and women. Don't mean to sound arrogant here, but really... All one needs to do is pick up just about any book on end-time prophecy and look at the bibliography. You will find a list of references to other books written by men. In each of these books there is little reference to Scripture. And when there is, it is easily determined with little effort that those scriptures were taken out of context.
The big problem is this... You cannot add error to error and eventually arrive at truth. I cannot think of even one popular author on the subject who has not attempted this. You may say, "How can so many be wrong?"
The answer is simple... They parrot one another. It's a marketing thing---it's what sells---and it's sad.
The plain simple Truth of the Word of God has been so distorted. Jesus is portrayed as one who is coming again, not as a Judge, but to extend forgiveness and salvation to the masses who have rejected Him. Such will not be the case. He is coming again for sure. But when He comes He will "strike the nations", ruling with a 'rod of iron', and 'dashing to pieces' those who rejected His offer of free salvation. It is also taught that many will have a second chance during the millennial reign to come to Christ. This is plain and simple---heresy.
There is so much error that I will address in these future posts, I cannot begin to list them now, but with the Holy Spirit's help I will, and will also pray the readers be open to Bible Truth regardless of its popularity... It can only do you good.
I have begun this series already, by going back a year and gathering the articles I wrote concerning true Israel. I would encourage you to read each one of them (long as they are) and see how the Scripture speaks for itself regarding the identity of Israel. This is definitely prerequisite to understanding Israel's place in prophecy.
I welcome your comments and or Email.


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Thank you for speaking the truth! In 1988 the Lord spoke to me and told to share this message. "Tell the people I am coming, I am coming to judge".
Since then I have heard much of what you have shared in this post. My Spirit never bore witness to this nor could it ever take root in my heart.

I thank God for you, that He has raised you up for such a time as this. We need more Spiritual warriors like you.

You remain in our prayers.
With love...
Your sister and fellow servant in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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