Saturday, January 05, 2008

IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?... (A relevant 'must-read' from the archives)

Considering the present state of the church--the 'famine of the hearing of the Word of God'-- and the current trials of our faith, a preacher friend of mine recently stated, "It seems as though the true worshipers, those who love God's manifest presence and the uncompromised preaching of His Word, have lately been 'taking a beating' ".
Thus, I thought it worthy of time and effort to republish the following blog from the archives...

(This is especially dedicated to my wife, Joie, and my very best friends and co-laborers in ministry--Bill & Janny Grein, and Tom & Beverly Springer, who, along with myself, are facing giants, sent to sideline us and thwart God's true plan for our lives.)

It was young David's response to his elder brother, Eliab. Eliab had overheard his teenage brother considering aloud, the possibility of facing off with Goliath. The older brother accused him of being prideful -- 'to big for his britches', so to speak, and he tried to send him home. David's first response was in the form of a rhetorical question, just about any older sibling has heard at least once or twice -- "What did I do now?" But then he asked a much more mature and weighty question... "Is there not a cause?" (1 Samuel 17:28-29)
Israel had been challenged by a huge and fearsome enemy... One that no one wanted to take on. But David trusted in the power of his God alone, and all he needed was the knowledge of the fact that this enemy was not just an enemy of God's people, but of God Himself, and God would fight the battle. He did... And He won.
The church of the living God is under assault today by an enemy much more vicious, crafty, and dangerous than Goliath. The very source of our strength and effectiveness as ambassadors for Christ -- the Word of God is the target. Attractive programs and popular, seeker friendly methodology designed for numerical growth has usurped our "first love", the proclamation and teaching of the uncompromised gospel of Christ.
'Diversity' and 'tolerance' have become more important than "speaking the truth in love". And learning to be 'purpose driven' instead of "led by the Spirit" has become paramount.
Novels, movies, and best selling books, though thematically Christian, are replete with unscriptural basis and distract from the inherent motivation to read, study, meditate in, and understand the Bible. Paul's warning to Timothy, concerning the latter times (if we aren't there, we are certainly closer than anyone has been), was that many would turn away from sound doctrine and be turned aside to fables. This is why he said, "Preach the Word" -- "in season or out". We have definitely come to a place in time where the Word is 'out of season'. We have come to the time Amos prophesied -- 'a famine of the hearing of the Word of God'.
May God begin to reclaim his pulpits once again. May the 'program administrators' -- the 'mega-church CEOs' -- be replaced forever, with God called, God taught, God ordained, Spirit filled, expository preachers of the Word. May His congregations begin to be fed and equipped as He intended, instead of merely gathered, entertained, -- and "destroyed through lack of knowledge".


At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100 percent. My prayer is the same.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you, and I hope to feel that same presence you first did in that church you talked of in a latter blog. I'm not quite out of my teen years, yet I still feel that deep urgency for God's truth in churches and in the world today. You're words are powerful and have changed my veiws on lots of things, I highly look up to them, and will continue to read more of what you post...
God Bless,


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