Friday, December 21, 2007

Whatever happened to knowledge of the 'JUDGEMENT' to come?... More response to John Hagee's 'end-time' doctrine

From whence comes the idea that Jesus will assume the role of a Messiah who 'delivers' Israel 'from their enemies' when He comes the second time?
I realize this is John Hagee's teaching (as well as 'dispensationalists' in general) but it certainly did not come from Scripture. To borrow one of Dr. Hagee's favorite phrases--"He is EXACTLY WRONG".
Israel's 'DELIVERER' came 2000 years ago. When He comes the second time, He will come as a Judge, not a deliverer. And with the flaming sword He will smite ALL nations remaining on the earth, giving their flesh to the fowls of the air. "ALL people" (Rev. 19:18) who were 'left behind' and had no part in the 'marriage supper of the Lamb'--those still living on earth instead of coming WITH Him on white horses (Rev. 19:14)--Whether they are called Gentile or Jew--will be slain. As a good friend of mine, Bill Grein, says... "He's coming again--soon--but this time it's 'No more Mr. Nice Guy'!"

Dr. Hagee (along with other dispensationalists) also have a completely unscriptural idea of what it means to be 'ruled by a rod of iron'. They think it has something to do with coming under a strict form of government, the Lord being the ruler. The Bible, on the other hand, clearly defines it differently... "You shall break [destroy] them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel." (Psalm 2:9).

Jesus absolutely and completely fulfilled His Messianic promise to Israel (as well as to the Gentiles) when He went to Calvary. Those living on this earth who have not believed and received Him as Lord by the time He comes again will be the recipients of His wrath. He is coming not to save but to 'tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God' (Rev.19:15).
The promise Hagee offers to unbelieving Jews that they will repent when they see Him and that He will deliver them is an absolute lie. I would think someone who loves the Jews, or any other lost people, would want to tell them the Truth--straight from the Bible, instead of some false promise--giving false hope--and encouraging them to continue on the broad path that leads to destruction.


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