Friday, June 13, 2008

Andrea's Home... Bearing a Few 'Marks' of the Ministry

After long hours of travel, from Samoa back to Fiji, and from the Fiji Islands back to Los Angeles, CA---and then, of course, the long flight from L.A. to Pittsburgh, as well as the drive from Pittsburgh to the YWAM Base where graduation ceremonies were conducted last night, followed at last, by the final hour of this tedious journey to Morgantown, WV---we are, to put it lightly, very glad to have our missionary-in-training daughter, Andrea, back home again.

As I noted, however, in the title, she bears 'a few marks of the ministry'. That, which had it not been for the overwhelming joy and sense of accomplishment, could have robbed her of the same, comprises the remaining symptoms of what is known in Samoa as 'Dengue fever', a wicked disease, spread by the bite of a 'wicked' mosquito, which attacked our little giant in the enemy's feeble and vain attempt to mar the otherwise gloriously successful mission, as Andrea was continuing her preparation for the ministry of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For days, doctors, nurses, and other experts in the medical profession in Samoa, Fiji, Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh, indicated to Andrea that 'she is a very sick young lady and would probably need to be bedfast for a while and was in for a very tough recovery' (not exact quotes).

This morning, however, (Friday, June 13, 2008), we are taking Andrea to a local physician, where, we believe, she will receive a clean 'bill of health'. Her recovery, within just the past two days has been phenomenal to all concerned, except those of us who were expecting the same and would accept nothing less. We are just plain, ordinary, believers---Christians---who have 'no better sense', as it is said, than to simply believe, 'nothing shall by any means harm us (Luke 10:19, Acts 28:1-5); especially as we endeavor by the faith of the Lord Jesus, to cooperate with His holy calling... So actually, there is really nothing (by worldly standards anyway), that is 'plain and ordinary' about believers, and the glorious gospel of Christ, in Whom we believe.

Amen??? AMEN!!!


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