Saturday, March 15, 2008

He May not be a Muslim--but a Christian?

Four years ago, I was listening to part of a speech given at the Democrats' National Convention (I refuse to use the word 'democratic' when referring to the 'democrats')--a speech given by none other than Barak Obama. And these words came up into my consciousness... "Right there is the next President (2008)". Whether those words were prophetic (God help us) or derived from a sudden attack of fear, time will tell.

The obviously fearful thought that struck at the same time, concerned the possibility that American Christendom had fallen to such a level of ignorance, as to be duped by such a speech and the articulate speeches that were to follow in the years to come, leading to this next election. For a long time since that day in 2004, I refused to believe that was the case. Sadly, I think I may have been wrong. I hear so many voices--many from professing Christians--accusing anyone who thinks Senator Obama might still have ties to Islam, of being 'stupid'. "Obama is NOT Muslim", they say, "he is Christian".

I say... "GIVE ME A BREAK"!

To believe the Senator's claim to be 'Christian', just because he is a member in good standing of the 'United Church of Christ' is ignorance--'gone to seed'. In the first place, that particular denomination is built on anything BUT the Bible, as it's standard of faith. It is one of the favorite denominations (if not the favorite) of the homosexual/lesbian community, and as evidenced by the now widely disseminated sermons of Obama's former pastor, it is as anti-truth and anti-Christ as an organization who calls itself a church could possibly be. And how insulting it is, to the intelligence of any true Christian, when Barak Obama tries to justify his perverted beliefs about the Gay rights issue with Scripture, referring people to the 'sermon on the Mount', rather than some 'obscure passage in Romans'...

'Some obscure passage in Romans' ?

I submit that the entire Bible is 'obscure' in the minds of Obama and any other professing Christian who agrees with--even entertains--his philosophies... The whole Book, Genesis to Revelation, must surely be 'obscured' through the ignorance prevailing in the minds of anyone who makes such a stand for 'homosexual rights', 'abortion rights', etc. I know many think I am too tough on certain things and my words are way to harsh. But before you join those of such sentiment, please consider the Holy Ghost-inspired words of the apostle Paul...

Paul the apostle, inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote many things (nothing 'obscure', however) concerning the abomination of homosexuality, as well as the holiness and godliness of proper husband (a man) and wife (a woman) relationship. And though 1 Corinthians, Chapter 14 deals mainly with instructions for the use of spiritual gifts in the church, there is also some instruction concerning husbands and wives there too. Following those instructions, is this admonition...
"If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant"
--1 Corinthians 14:37-38

The definition of this type of 'ignorance', in my words, is "Chosen stupidity".
I am convinced the Bible is saying, if you choose to believe words from the 'sermon on the Mount' that DO NOT EXIST, over words that are not only actually there, but very clear, in all those 'obscure passages', you are ignorant indeed--definitely a victim of 'chosen stupidity'.

I have been, for the past thirty-some years, a diligent voter in every national election. My votes, however, have usually amounted to a selection of the 'lesser of the evils'. This coming election is the first in my experience where the 'lesser of the evils' is not easily determined. Many Christians are choosing to not even dignify the awful choice provided us, with a showing at the polls. And honestly, I have yet to decide if I will even cast a vote (for president anyway). Should that be the case, my vote will be cast, however (in a sense), for the conservative candidate the Republicans so miserably failed to nominate (whomever that may be).

I do wish to make it clear to anyone who cares to know, how insulted I am, that a political candidate (in this case, Barak Obama), with such ungodly views, would have the nerve to ask for my vote, based on Scripture. And I would encourage all my brothers and sisters in Christ to make it known, somehow, that we are not all as 'ignorant' as Senator Obama would like to believe.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

What concerns me for our Country is what John McCain said in his speach after the results were in that Barak Obama had won the presidency. He said "The people have spoken and clearly made their choice". What was screaming in my spirit was yes, they have made their choice to turn their backs on God and look to a man as their savior. I saw people that were in a daze and almost as if they were hypnotized. I am afraid for our Nation, I believe that this election spoke loud and clear in the ears of our God and what happens next...well they asked for it. Time to draw closer to God now more than ever. No more God bless America, but God humble us and give us wisdom,eyes to see & ears to hear. Give us strength to stand whats coming upon this Nation. The Church in this Country had better wake up. Judgment begins in the household of God!


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